ESP Tester v2.0


The ESP tester is one of my first programs its intention is to provide a scientific way to test and give feedback for psychic ability.

The program is based on one of the classic ESP psychic tests created by Dr. Joseph Banks Rhine and Dr. Karl Zener in  1930 at Duke University.

The test was developed in order to test for Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) by creating a deck of cards containing white cards with black five symbols on them the symbols are star, cross, square, circle and waves.


In the experiments subjects asked to guess which card out of the five was chosen, a test was made of 25 guesses.

Each guess has the statistic probability of 1/5 or 20% to guess the chosen card, subjects who showed a higher statistic probability guess rate over a large number of guesses proved scientifically the existence of psychic phenomena.



Are you psychic?

Use this ESP tester to know the answer!

this program is based on the classic Zener ESP test made of guessing 25 cards with the 5 symbols.

Feedback is given in statistics allowing you to see for yourself if you are doing score that is against normal chance.



Download         for Free!!


Program features:

·        All 25 cards are pre chosen at the beginning of the test.

·        Uses the five symbols star, cross, square, circle and waves.

·        You have 25 guesses to guess each time the chosen card out of five symbols.

·        Show you immediate statistics.

·        Show you score in terms of the probability of your test results.

·        Show you the total games you played and the average correct cards guessed for game.

·        Reset Statistics.






COPYRIGHT © 2002 Allen Douglas All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.