RI Program v1.0



As I have starting exploring RV abilities I have been introduced to the subject of RI (Remote Influencing) reality after some time that I have practiced RI and realizing its REAL and easy to do I began thinking maybe I can use RI as a prediction tool.


I am not going now to teach RI here this page present a theory and application for people who are already trained in RI.


The theory


If you can influence your reality by the power and infinite intelligence that is within you. If I want to predict an event that will occur in the future maybe I can influence a machine to signal me on the future outcome of the future event.

So as I study and understood the easiest reality to RI is yourself doing a random decision.


For example if I take a box and put 2 balls in it one  has the number 1 written on it and the other has the number 2 written on it now I take my hand in and start mixing the balls with the hand while my eyes are closed then I take a ball out the probability for choosing a specific ball is ˝ as we all learned at school.

But this system can easily be subjected to Remote Influence while mixing the balls with my hands and eye are closed I have no conscious awareness of the balls I touch but my subconscious is aware always aware. 


Example of use for this system:


Stock market predictions – lets say I want to know if a stock will go UP tomorrow or NOT UP I decide that ball 1 represent UP and ball 2 represent NOT UP.

A remote influence is being done on this system so that when the pick up of a ball out is done  it is not random but picked by the intelligence of the subconscious who knows when your hand is on the desired ball and unconsciously cause you to pick it.


Note: for now I do not describe any technique and explanation for how to do RI currently this program is for people who have understanding on RI and want to use the RI program.




The program


I built a software a computer program that simulates “picking ball blindly from a box” here is explanation of how it works.

When you run it you set how many future outcomes (balls) you want.

An interval in milliseconds (default set to 1500 a 1.5 second)


Lets say we want to influence the program to give us the 6 most probable lotto number out of 49.




we set the future outcomes field to 49 and click submit button.



This is the part where the picking of balls is being done you get a blue screen you should start moving the mouse cursor on the blue area of the screen while the mouse is moving and only when it moves and not standing numbers are being generated in this case in range of 1-49 every 1.5 second a generated number is being picked and written to a data file.


While mouse is moving its very important that while unconsciously moving the mouse on the screen to stop the movement for short periods of time (less then a second).


If the influence is done correct and strong enough more numbers that are being picked into the data file are the most probable wining numbers and what we will do is look for the 6 numbers that were picked the most number of times.


So after we spend time picking numbers we click on the finish button to finish the process and let the program generate the reports.



(click link to view file)


Open Date file – show all picked numbers.

Open Results file – show for each number (future outcome) how many times it was picked.

Open Sorted results file – Show the results file sorted by quantity helping us to see the most picked numbers.


In this case the most probable six numbers are : 19, 18, 15, 26, 32, 27



Now if you have deep understanding in Remote influence and understand the concept of this program then you have a powerful prediction tool to use in many ways and combinations.







RI v1.0 Click here for instant Download





COPYRIGHT © 2002 Allen Douglas www.deepawareness.com All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.