Target Sessions Page

Sessions submitted for this target :




Impressions: white oval with a line through it, x-ray, symbols, drawing, fuzzy blurry white on black, chalk on a black board, dusty, black and white flat, vertical flat and wide, shelf, dusty, empty spatious site (no longer used? old site?), abandoned, quiet, dry, desolate, dusty, hollow wind blows through, place of learning, arid.





Greetings and happy holidays! Okay here we go.
Started off with rocky, rough.  Like granite - speckled.
May have gone off on a storyline, but ended up with:
-Browns, earth-tones
-Organic/earthy feel
-Some kind of vertical arrangement/ bunching - like a flower bouquet or bundled wheat
- Some kind of boxy structure (vehicle) neaby - utilitarian
Kept getting the whole harvest-time/ Rockwell painting vibe - too much egg nog?  
Anyways, there's my 2-bits.



Best Hit





Quiet Paradise, Thailand